Monday, February 27, 2012

Skills/Spelling Words

Hey Miss Harkins and Mrs. Lankford's Homeroom Class!!

Practice your spelling/skill words on spelling city. I have added the words for this week, so all you have to do is: click here!

Our words: crunch, charge, champ, sketch, match, roach, touch, bench, watch ,pitch.
Our test is Friday, I hope you practice :) - Miss Harkins

Miss Correia's Homeroom Class, here is the link for Type in your spelling/skills words and practice! :)

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Learning from Mrs. Szerba's 5th Graders

Learning from Mrs. Szerba's 5th Graders on PhotoPeach
Our class was invited to visit Mrs. Szebra’s 5th grade class and learn about the study of Embryos and their development. It was an incredible experience for all. Mrs. Szebra’s 5th graders put our class into 4 groups of 10 students and we rotated counter clockwise in and out of her cottage. Our discussion and tour started for some students with a view of the chicken coop, for other students a discussion about the incubator and how it operates. The incubator is a box that provides and maintains a favorable environment for hatching fertile eggs.
We also learned about parts of the egg. Did you know that the shell of the egg is composed primarily of calcium? Immediately beneath the shell are two membranes like a thin skin called the inner and outer shell membrane.
Once the fertile egg is placed in the incubator, cell division occurs very fast. At one of the rotations we were allowed to hold and touch a baby chick. The students loved it!
A huge thank to Mrs. Szerba and her 5th grade class. We appreciate you opening your classroom to help us learn about the study of embryos and their development. Yeah! 5th graders Rock! Enjoy the slideshow.

Friday, February 24, 2012

2nd Grade Goes To The Zoo Part 3!

More smiles from our Zoo Field Trip!
2nd Grade Goes to The Zoo Part 3! on PhotoPeach

Saturday, February 18, 2012

2nd Grade Goes To The Zoo!

2nd Grade Goes to the Zoo on PhotoPeach
Our field trip to the Zoo was an incredible experience for our students and the many chaperones. At the Zoo we learned about Habitats. A habitat provides food, water and oxygen for plants and animals. It also provides shelter, nest and protection for animals. Plants can add beauty while trees and shrubs help in reducing heating and cooling by providing shade. During our educational program we were able to see and touch several animals up close. Thank you to all our chaperones, because of you our field trip was a great learning experience. Enjoy some snapshots from our day.

Saturday, February 4, 2012